David Hockney
July 9, 1937 - Present
David Hockney is an English painter, draftsman, printmaker, stage designer, and photographer. As an important contributor to the pop art movement of the 1960s, he is considered one of the most influential British artists of the 20th century.
Your Creation of The Splash
The Splash
By David Hockney
Step 1: Cut out blue square
Step 2: Cut out light blue square
Step 3: Cut light blue square in half
Step 4: Place light blue square on top of blue square
Step 5: Cut out a strip of pink paper
Step 6: Cut out a strip of red paper (should be smaller than pink strip)
Step 7: Cut out skinny strip of yellow paper (should be smallest strip)
Step 8: Layer the strips on top of blue and light blue paper as seen in the photo below
Step 9: Cut out 1 and a half inch diagonal (rhombus) of yellow paper
Step 10: Place yellow diagonal (rhombus) on blue paper
Step 11: Add a “splash” in the pool and trees in the background
Project Complete!
Colored construction paper
Colored pencils