Jean-Michel Basquiat
December 22, 1960 - August 12, 1988
Jean-Michel Basquiat was an American artist and is regarded as one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. Basquiat's art focused on wealth versus poverty, integration versus segregation, and inner versus outer experience. He appropriated poetry, drawing, and painting, and married text and image, abstraction, figuration, and historical information mixed with contemporary critique.
The Lot
By Jean Michel Basquiat
Sample Project
Step 1: Choose a Basquiat face from his artwork.
Step 2: With black tape, create an outline of the face.
Step 3: Add facial features and other designs using pieces of tape.
Step 4: Paint around the face with bright colors.
Step 5: Paint the face black.
Step 6: Let the paint dry, then remove the tape, and show off your own Basquiat self portrait!
Thick white paper or construction paper
Black tape
Paint and brush